Vancouver, BC – written June 21, 2024 – To enable hydrogen and fuel cell technology providers from Germany and Canada to enjoy the UEFA Championship game between Germany and Hungary during the hy-fcell International Expo and Conference, the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Vancouver and the Canada-Germany Energy Partnership demonstrated hospitality by inviting everyone to a reception. This event took place at the German Pavilion at 8:30 am on Wednesday, June 19, 2024, featuring beverages, finger food, and lively discussions. The UEFA EURO 2024 soccer game between Germany and Hungary was shown from 9 am to 11 am.
VIP’s that were in attendance included Yvonne Denz, the CEO and President of the Canadian German Chamber of Industry and Commerce Inc., the Consul General for the Federal Republic of Germany, Marc Eichhorn, Dr Stefan Kaufmann, who has served as Innovation Commissioner for Green Hydrogen at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) since 19 June 2020.
I also met Tom Codrington, British Consul-General in Vancouver. Representing the UK in British Columbia, Yukon and the Northwest Territories, Nicolas Baudouin, Consul général à Vancouver. Consul general of @ConsulatFRAVan (Colombie-Britannique, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon, TNO) and Tamara Shtanova, Science and Technology Officer, Swiss Consulate General, as well as many hydrogen and fuel cell technology providers, such as Walter Mérida, a professor from UBC who is responsible for the “SHED” – the smart hydrogen energy district at UBC.
Walter also serves as director for the Clean Energy Research Centre, as Senior Advisor to UBC’s President and Vice-Chancellor, as co-Chair of the Climate Emergency Taskforce, and as a delegate to COP meetings. He is currently the Associate Dean of Research and Industrial Partnerships in the Faculty of Applied Science at UBC.
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The German Pavilion hosted 14 companies at the hy-fcell Canada 2024 and brought together renowned international specialists to discuss solutions for clean energy with hydrogen and fuel cells. The highlights of the German Pavilion included a Forum with well-known industry experts and representatives of innovative German companies working with hydrogen.
Tuesday, June 18th was when the industry experts shared know-how and strategies on how to strengthen bilaterial economic relations between Germany and Canada during their “Expert Talk Series.” They also let you take an authentic hydrogen car for a test drive on the streets of Vancouver!
June 19th gave visitors an outstanding opportunity to attend company pitches at the Forum and build new business ties with the German exhibitors. But Wednesday morning also included a soccer reception catered by MunChi, a catering company that makes German food with pride and passion from scratch, using their much-loved family recipes and important imported German ingredients.
The next hy-fcell Expo and Conference will take place in Stuttgart in October, or if you can’t take that trip to Germany, you can come back in June 2025 to see what has changed. Also, many of the companies will also be demonstrating their tools, unique equipment and expertise at the Hannover Messe, which will take place in March/April of 2025. Stay in touch with the Westcoast German Media blog to learn more.